Category Archives: Personal Bios

entrepreneur branding

Entrepreneur Branding: What You Should Know

If you’re an entrepreneur, you already have your hands full and don’t need another task to add to your ever-growing list. But as…
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branding bio

Personal Branding: What Is It?

Personal branding has been around since the dawn of marketing, advertising, and sales. Its popularity increased as more and more people started their…
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bio writer

Why You Should Hire a Bio Writer

You need a bio for your new website, so you decide that you will write it yourself. How hard can it be? Who…
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second career bio

The Second Career Bio

There are many reasons why second careers are on the rise. Some people retire early because a second career was part of the…
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Be Prepared: Have Your Personal Bio Ready!

Today, people are going after their goals at different times in their lives. So success or a change in career, or even a…
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