Category Archives: Company Bios

company profile example

Breaking it Down: Company Profile Example

Need assistance with your company profile or bio? Here we outline a company profile example. Our client approached us as he pivoted during…
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hospitality bio example

Breaking it Down: Hospitality Bio Example

In the hospitality industry, there’s no underestimating the importance of providing a high level of customer service and having an exceptional staff. This…
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corporate bio writer

Why Hire a Corporate Bio Writer?

So you work for a large company or organization, and you’re looking to get a solid corporate bio written. Hiring a corporate bio…
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sample assistant bio

Breaking it Down: Sample Assistant Bio

If you have ever been an assistant or have had an assistant, then you know just how valuable they are. From organizing meetings…
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sample About Us page

Breaking it Down: Sample About Us Page

The About Us page is where you talk about the people and the values that make your business exceptional. In other words, the…
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how to write a company bio

How to Write a Company Bio: Example

In today’s climate, with all the different companies competing for your attention (and of course, your spending dollars), a company bio is not…
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