Tag Archives: bio writing services

sample finance executive bio

Breaking it Down: Sample Finance Executive Bio  

Rising to the challenge of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is no small feat, especially if you come from a long line of farmers…
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sample health coach bio

Breaking it Down: Sample Health Coach Bio 

Health coaches are worth their weight in gold. They make daunting tasks such as caring for your health and wellness much more manageable,…
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sample food business bio

Breaking it Down: Sample Food Business Bio

There’s an interesting dynamic in the food and hospitality industry. Food businesses such as restaurants, cafes, and catering establishments carry the owner’s sensibility…
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sample executive coach bio

Breaking it Down: Sample Executive Coach Bio

Seeking assistance with your executive coach bio? As an executive coach, your bio needs to be written in such a way that it…
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Breaking it Down: Sample COO Bio

As a company’s chief operating officer, your time is valuable, and you represent the epitome of efficiency and knowledge. This needs to be…
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sample accountant bio

Breaking it Down: Sample Accountant Bio

As a professional accountant, there will be times when you’ll need a bio, say for a company team directory. In these cases, you’ll…
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IMDb bio

The IMDb Bio

Need assistance with your IMDb profile page? The first step – create a winning IMDb bio!  When writing an IMDb bio, pay attention…
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sample filmmaker bio

Breaking it Down: Sample Filmmaker Bio

If you’re a filmmaker, you embody all that is storytelling and wear many hats. Your professional filmmaker bio needs to reflect this! It's…
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sample artist bio

Breaking it Down: Sample Artist Bio

Artists can express their art through different formats. Regardless of their chosen medium, they aim to open the audience’s mind and change the…
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sample songwriter bio

Breaking it Down: Sample Songwriter Bio

If you’re a songwriter, you understand that telling a compelling story through the power of music can move, motivate, and inspire people to…
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Get started on your bio today!