Category Archives: Creative Bios

IMDb bio

The IMDb Bio

Need assistance with your IMDb profile page? The first step – create a winning IMDb bio!  When writing an IMDb bio, pay attention…
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sample filmmaker bio

Breaking it Down: Sample Filmmaker Bio

If you’re a filmmaker, you embody all that is storytelling and wear many hats. Your professional filmmaker bio needs to reflect this! It's…
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sample artist bio

Breaking it Down: Sample Artist Bio

Artists can express their art through different formats. Regardless of their chosen medium, they aim to open the audience’s mind and change the…
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restaurant owner bio

Sample Restaurant Owner Bio: Breaking it Down

If you run or operate a restaurant, you probably wear many hats. To brand yourself effectively as a restaurant owner, you must demonstrate…
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graphic designer bio

Designing the Perfect Graphic Designer Bio

In today’s high-tech visual world, a graphic designer is imperative. So, if you are a graphic designer, then a graphic designer's bio is…
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how to write a hair stylist bio

Giving Style to Your Hair Stylist Bio

Let’s face it – a great hair stylist is worth their weight in gold. A talented hair stylist is just as important as…
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The Tattoo Artist Bio: What You Need to Know

According to Dr. David Lane, an assistant professor at Illinois State University who has done considerable comprehensive research on tattooing, believes that tattoos…
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creative bio examples

The Art of the Creative Bio

After having written thousands of bios for our many clients, our staff at live by one very important motto, and that is…
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Get started on your bio today!